Not sure what it is, but the last three paintings I finished are all water scenes. All different images, with very different ways the water is shown. I mean really, different styles of the water...
This is the latest one to come of the easel, just yesterday. Of course we called it "Reflections"...
Here the water is a smooth, glass like finish, just on the beach, showing this wonderful reflection of a group of people enjoying the beach.
Just before this one I finished the Pelicans on the Slough. Lots of water, but I was trying to make the Pelicans center piece and keep the water more of an impression... an impression of the light. So it is a lot less detailed.
And then of course, a lot of proverbial sweat went into Boccadasse. Again, a water scene, but again, very different. Where the water in Reflections is hard because of the reflections, the subtle movements in the water, the distortions of the clothes and the people, Boccadasse is about color, about movement, about catching just the right colors and putting them on the canvas...
After all that water, I am ready to move on... to ehm... frozen water. Yes that is right, next up is a snow scene. No red balloon this time though...
For those that miss the whimsical paintings, I did start a new one of that as well. Trying to create a dreamscape... we'll see how that turns out. More in a next update from the little orange studio in the backyard.